Speaker and curator at events and physical exhibitions
Student Life under Covid-19 (2021, online). Presented as unique and occasionally cathartic testimonies, this exhibition encapsulates universally relatable experiences of studying under extreme circumstances, grappling with mental health challenges, maintaining friendships, navigating the passage of time, and embracing the essence of humanity.
Diaspora: (Post)colonial Visions (2014, Gubenkian Centre, University of Kent). The exhibition documented the ways in which project participants, mostly British Congolese young people, engaged discursively and visually with the urban and sociohistorical spaces of (post)colonial memories. This exhibition was organised in partnership with the University of Kent, the Community of Congolese Refugees in Great Britain, the British Museum, The Royal Museum for Central Africa, Collectif Mémoire Coloniale et Lutte contre les Discriminations, l’Observatoire Ba ya ya.
Jazz, by Mattisse (1998, Musée de Grenoble). Exhibition of paper collages by Henri Matisse, and organisation of a concert to accompany the exhibition by jazz artist Carla Bley.